* muttering accompanied by beeps/electric signal noise * "Huh, how'd you get here? Just when I've finally resigned myself to floating aimlessly through the endless void of spa- woah hold up, you're old. Positively ancient, in point of fact. When are you from?! The early 21st century or something? I didn't realise soul travel* was discovered or even possible that far back , will need to run a diagnostic on my historical cores... Anyway, let me transfer you into something more familiar. It will take me a while to construct a complete new vessel for you. Thankfully the adventure droids are great for gallivanting around in. And it's relatively safe, for short periods of time at least." OMICRON 17 - December 7, 2011 deviantart @angelitoon Introducing the main narrative device, Galliventurer the neural duplicant bound to the ship. This character will provide the plot points & instructions on gameplay mechanics, etc. for the initial part (and possibly en...
A walk through the musings & brain children of Aaron Toomey a.k.a Inkie Beard